비디오 아트

VIDEO ARTS : ART PPL(creations)

우리 주변에서 일어나는 현상, 찰나의 순간들을 모아 기록한 영상들을 현재의 감정과 섞어 편집하여, 내 삶의 시간적 순서를 재배열 한다.
교차된 시간 속 나의 감정들이 교류하는 것에서 오는 복합적인 감정, 또는 일치하는 감정을 재경험 한다.

I have rearranged the temporal order of events that have happened in my life by interweaving and editing footage
of phenomena that occur around us and captured moments with my current emotions.
By reliving a past event in two different time dimensions, I felt a surge of complex emotions as I stepped back
into a familiar frame and experienced an emotional exchange of difference and agreement with the emotion
I had felt in the past at the same moment.

Mysterious Cactus Land, 2020


Chaos, 2020

Meet me in Montauk, 2020

Neon Bones, 2020

Walking Star, 2020

Sand, 2020

Dolphins, 2020

Drawing Fishes, 2020

NEW YORK, 2020

Sea Shore, 2020


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